West London NHS Trust wins award for ‘Mother Tongue’ project

Image: West London NHS Trust

West London NHS Trust was recently recognised at the NHS Communicate Awards for its ‘Mother Tongue’ initiative in Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Communications.

The project, ‘Mother Tongue, Motherhood, and Mental Health’, empowers women from ethnically diverse backgrounds to seek maternal mental health support through the sharing of their own experiences of perinatal mental illness in their native languages.

The films were one of a number of strands of work developed in partnership with the Trust’s dedicated perinatal and communications teams, experts by experience, and filmmaker, Jodie Holland, to break down barriers and support access to the West London Perinatal Service. The short films have been screened at events across two local boroughs where the stars of the film, their families, NHS professionals and partners, and the local community attended.

Embracing the multitude of languages spoken within local communities, the short films were created in a variety of languages including Urdu, Polish, and Punjabi, and highlight that language should not be a barrier to quality healthcare.

You can watch the playlist on YouTube. 

To find out more about the West London Perinatal Service, visit www.westlondon.nhs.uk/our-services/adult/mental-health-services/perinatal-mental-health

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