Jean Biddle obituary | Children’s health

Jean Biddle obituary | Children’s health

My mother, Jean Biddle, who has died aged 95, was an advocate for disabled children and served as superintendent physiotherapist for the London borough of Hounslow. Born in Bangor, north Wales, Jean... Read more »
Shirley Meredeen obituary | Older people

Shirley Meredeen obituary | Older people

My grandmother Shirley Meredeen, who has died aged 92, was a pioneer of co-housing, champion of older women and passionate feminist and socialist. In 1989, shortly before retiring, she attended a Growing... Read more »
Letter: Tom Phillips obituary | Art

Letter: Tom Phillips obituary | Art

I was at the Henry Thornton grammar school in Clapham, south-west London, with the artist Tom Phillips and we became close friends, swapping passions and enthusiasms: his for painting and mine for... Read more »
Sir John Bourn obituary | Civil service

Sir John Bourn obituary | Civil service

Sir John Bourn, who has died aged 88, was parliament’s longest serving auditor general, responsible for exposing waste, inefficiency and scandal in the corridors of power, and for shaping the National Audit... Read more »
Tom Meade obituary | Medical research

Tom Meade obituary | Medical research

Tom Meade, who has died aged 86, pioneered the field of cardiovascular epidemiology. His research, spanning five decades, gave medical science a vastly improved understanding of the biology of blood and the... Read more »
Lionel Pyke obituary | Entrepreneurs

Lionel Pyke obituary | Entrepreneurs

My father, Lionel Pyke, who has died aged 92, was the owner and director of the glazing company Cadogan Glass, based in Battersea, south-west London. In his early working days he had... Read more »
Vic Nierop-Reading obituary | Architecture

Vic Nierop-Reading obituary | Architecture

My father, Vic Nierop-Reading, who has died aged 95, was a conservation architect who spent much of his life helping to restore the precious old buildings of Norwich. Born in Finchley, north... Read more »
Satya Savitzky obituary | Academics

Satya Savitzky obituary | Academics

My son, Satya Savitzky, who has died aged 41, was an academic who made his mark in the field of mobilities studies, an area of sociology concerned with interrogating the complexities of... Read more »
Bruce Russell obituary | Art

Bruce Russell obituary | Art

My friend and fellow artist Bruce Russell, who has died aged 76, was one of the most original and admired abstract artists of the 1970s and 80s. His paintings will be remembered... Read more »
Sam Webb obituary | Register

Sam Webb obituary | Register

Sam Webb was vilified, ridiculed and most importantly ignored in 50 years of campaigning to persuade governments to make council tower blocks safer. Talking to the Today programme on the morning after... Read more »