Child dies after falling from upper-floor flat in Kennington, south London | UK News

A child has died after falling from a block of flats in south London, police have said.

Officers were called to reports of a child having fallen from the upper floor of a flat on Hotspur Street in Kennington at just after 4.20pm on Friday, the Metropolitan Police said.

The London Ambulance Service (LAS) also attended.

In a statement, the force said: “Despite their efforts, the child was pronounced dead at the scene.

“At this very early stage, there is nothing to indicate that the incident is suspicious, however enquires are ongoing to establish the circumstances.”


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Officers said the child’s family have been informed.

Cordons are in place in the area.

Details of the child’s age or gender were not released by the police, but Florence Eshalomi, the Labour MP for Vauxhall, appeared to suggest the victim was a boy.

She said on X: “Very sad to hear about the sad death of a young child who fell from a block of flats earlier this afternoon in Hotspur Street, SE11.”

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