West London NHS Trust appoints new CEO

Maria O’Brien (Image: West London NHS Trust)

West London NHS Trust has this week announced that Maria O’Brien has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer of West London NHS Trust.

Maria will join the Trust from Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL) where she is currently Chief Nurse and Deputy Chief Executive.

Tom Kibasi, Chair of West London NHS Trust, said: “I am delighted to appoint Maria as Chief Executive Officer of West London.

“Maria is an accomplished executive director and NHS leader who is passionate about delivering high quality care for the patients and communities that we serve.

“We look forward to warmly welcoming Maria to the organisation in the coming months.”

Maria trained as a registered nurse at Guys Hospital in the 1980s with a specialist focus in Cardiac Nursing and Intensive Care.

She has held many operational and senior management posts, becoming the Director of North West London Cardiac and Stroke Network in 2004.

Maria joined CNWL in 2011, taking responsibility for community services in Camden in 2012 and became Divisional Director of Operations in 2014. She joined the Board of Directors as the executive lead for Trust community services in 2017 before becoming Chief Nurse in 2019.

Maria O’Brien says of her new appointment: “I am delighted to be appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer for West London NHS Trust.

“It’s a huge privilege to be able to lead the Trust forward and ensure we continue to deliver the very best services for our patients in west London.”

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