London bar’s weekend crowd urged to watch for COVID-19 symptoms

London bar’s weekend crowd urged to watch for COVID-19 symptoms

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Public health officials are asking anyone who was at the Paranyde Bar & Grill last Friday and Saturday nights to monitor themselves for symptoms of COVID-19.

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The Middlesex-London Health Unit sent out the advisory after it was notified Tuesday that someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 was at the bar then.

“This individual was infectious while they were there and may have exposed a number of other patrons to the virus while at the bar,” officials said Wednesday.

Health unit staffers have followed up with the infectious person and the bar’s owner, but haven’t yet been able to identify all close contacts who were at the bar between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m. on Friday and Saturday nights, the health unit said.

“There is a risk that anyone who had close contact with this individual may have been exposed to COVID-19. Because we don’t have a list of this person’s possible close contacts, it will be very important for anyone who starts to develop any COVID symptoms to get tested right away,” Alex Summers, the associate medical officer of Health, said.

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The bar is at 1100 Commissioners Rd. E. That’s just west of Highbury Avenue near the city’s Pond Mills neighbourhood.

Google Maps: Red icon denotes the location of the Paranyde Bar & Grill Google Maps: Red icon denotes the location of the Paranyde Bar & Grill

The health unit reminded owners of restaurants, bars and nightclubs they are required to collect the contact information for their customers for the purposes of contract tracing.

The health unit issued a Section 22 order Tuesday requiring customers at places that serve food and drink to wear masks at all times, except when eating or drinking while sitting down in a designated area.

“Food and drink are only to be consumed at designated tables, which are separated by a distance of at least two metres or by an impermeable barrier, such as Plexiglass,” officials said.

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