Primary school offer day 2024: North London data revealed

Primary school offer day 2024: North London data revealed

Local authorities informed parents of three and four-year-olds yesterday (April 16) after 5pm where their child has been allocated for the next school year.

Among the councils relevant for the Ham&High, 97 per cent of students secured one of their top three school places in Haringey.

Some 88 per cent got their first choice – more than other neighbouring boroughs.

Overall 85,336 (98pc) London children are due to start school this September in one of their preferred schools.

And 89pc of the total number of London applicants – 76,064 children – secured a place in their first preference school. This is an increase of 0.6pc from figures last year.

Here is a break down of relevant local authorities in the Hampstead and Highgate area:


In Camden, 84.17pc of children were offered their first preference, and 7.61pc secured their second choice.

Then just 2.79pc were given their third choice, 1.28pc their fourth choice and 0.68pc their fifth preference.

The council was approached for comment on their data.


Barnet Council says that there were 4,528 on-time applications this year – 3,814 from Barnet residents and 714 from other boroughs.

There were 86.21pc of children who were offered their first choice and 7.37pc who were given their second choice.

A Barnet Council spokesperson said: “Every Barnet parent who applied on time for a reception school place for their child has received an offer.”

“This year, almost 98 per cent who applied were given a place at a preferred school.

“We are delighted that we’ve been able to provide a place to every parent who applied on time and would like to wish all the children starting primary school later this year every success.”


In Haringey, 97pc of students were given one of their top three primary school places.

As mentioned before, 88.36pc were given their first pick – performing better than other local authorities listed.

Then 6.84pc were given their second choice and 2pc their third choice.

Every child in the borough who applied has received an offer for a school this September.

Ann Graham, director of children’s services at Haringey Council, said: “This is fantastic news for both children and parents.

“Our education services have gone from strength to strength, and we are extremely proud of how far we have come.

“Attending the right primary school can set the stage for a child’s academic success, social development, and overall wellbeing, laying a strong foundation for their future growth and achievements.

“Collectively, we are responsible for shaping the future of the next generation, and the council are dedicated to providing them with the necessary opportunities for success. We look forward to welcoming our new reception students in September – offering them the very best start in their education.”


Out of the boroughs listed, Westminster had the least children offered their first choice – 82.14pc.

There were 7.79pc given their second choice and 3.22pc given their third choice.

The council was approached for comment on their data.

Jon Abbey, chair of the Pan-London admissions board, said: “Challenges such as falling birth rates and family migration from London have led to a continued decrease in demand for school places and resulted in a reduction in total applications this year.

“Boroughs are supporting schools to deal with this challenge, meet the needs of our youngest residents and ensure school places continue to be available where there is demand.

“Each London borough has an admissions team and we are ready to help and support parents with any queries.”

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