Kate Middleton: Criminal probe over medical record ‘breach’ as BBC journalist says farm shop photo was hoax

Kate Middleton: Criminal probe over medical record ‘breach’ as BBC journalist says farm shop photo was hoax

Princess Kate ‘reassuring’ Mother’s Day image ‘done completely opposite’, says royal biographer

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A probe has been launched into whether staff at a private clinic unlawfully accessed the Princess of Wales’ medical records in an alleged data breach.

At least one member of staff tried to access Kate’s notes while she was a patient at the London Clinic in central London in January, according to The Mirror. The princess was admitted to the hospital for abdominal surgery on January 16.

Hospital staff could be charged with a criminal offence by the data protection watchdog and face an unlimited fine if they are found to have unlawfully accessed the mother of three’s records.

Responding to the allegations, the hospital’s chief executive promised a thorough investigation into the reports.

As theories regarding Kate’s whereabouts show no sign of slowing, a BBC journalist weighed in on the growing speculation that the woman videoed shopping with Prince William at the Windsor Farm Shop is not the Princess of Wales.

Sports presenter Sonja McLaughlan commented on a video that compares the woman in the latest footage with pictures of Kate.

In a post on X seen byThe Telegraph, Ms McLaughlan wrote: “It’s so obviously not Kate.”

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No 10 weighs in: People should ‘get behind the Princess of Wales’

Downing Street said people should “get behind the Princess of Wales”.

Asked about the alleged breaches at the London Clinic following Kate’s treatment, the Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “Clearly there are strict rules on patient data that must be followed.”

Asked whether people should give Kate a break, the spokesman said: “I think we all want to get behind the Princess of Wales, and indeed the Prince of Wales, and we obviously wish her the speediest of recoveries.”


Maryam Zakir-Hussain20 March 2024 14:05


London Clinic chief executive responds to medical record breach allegations

The chief executive of the London Clinic, where the Princess of Wales was treated earlier this year, has said “all appropriate investigatory, regulatory and disciplinary steps will be taken” when looking at alleged data breaches.

Responding to allegations that at least one member of staff tried to access Kate’s notes while she was a patient at the hospital in January, Al Russell said: “Everyone at the London Clinic is acutely aware of our individual, professional, ethical and legal duties with regards to patient confidentiality.

“We take enormous pride in the outstanding care and discretion we aim to deliver for all our patients that put their trust in us every day.

“We have systems in place to monitor management of patient information and, in the case of any breach, all appropriate investigatory, regulatory and disciplinary steps will be taken.

“There is no place at our hospital for those who intentionally breach the trust of any of our patients or colleagues.”

Maryam Zakir-Hussain20 March 2024 13:22


BBC journalist says farm shop video is hoax

A BBC journalist has weighed in on the growing speculation that the woman videoed shopping with Prince William is not the Princess of Wales.

Sports presenter Sonja McLaughlan commented on a video that compares the woman in the latest footage with pictures of Kate.

In a post on X seen byThe Telegraph, Ms McLaughlan wrote: “It’s so obviously not Kate.

“Some newspapers are reporting it as fact. But it’s not her. No conspiracy theorist but all very odd.”

The footage in question was published by The Sun and appears to show the princess smiling as she walked alongside her husband outside Windsor Farm Shop, which is a short drive from their home in the grounds of Windsor Castle.

Maryam Zakir-Hussain20 March 2024 13:18


Met Police not aware of referral following reports of alleged medical records breach

A Metropolitan Police spokesperson told The Independent the force is not aware of any referral at this time, following reports of the alleged breach at The London Clinic.

Although it is a criminal offence under the Data Protection Act 2018 to unlawfully access personal data without consent, prosecutions are usually brought by the Information Commissioner’s Office. The offence is punishable by way of an unlimited fine.

The ICO has confirmed it has received a breach report and is assessing the information.

Section 170 of the Act criminalises “knowingly or recklessly obtaining, disclosing or procuring personal data without the consent of the data controller, and the sale or offering for sale of that data”.

According to the CPS website, the law is most commonly used to prosecute those who access healthcare and financial records without a legitimate reason.

Maryam Zakir-Hussain20 March 2024 12:53


Watch: Ed Davey calls for investigation into claims staff tried to access Princess Kate’s medical records

Ed Davey calls for investigation into claims staff tried to access Princess Kate’s medical records

Maryam Zakir-Hussain20 March 2024 12:11


Health minister says it would be ‘disappointing’ if Kate’s private medical notes were accessed

Health minister Maria Caulfield said it would be “very disappointing” if the Princess of Wales’s notes had been accessed.

She told Sky News that it is “pretty serious stuff to be accessing notes that you don’t have permission to”.

She said: “Just to reassure your viewers, these rules apply to all patients, so there are very strict rules about which patient notes you can access.

“You’re only allowed to access the patient notes you’re caring for, and with their permission, and there’s really strict rules.

“The Information Commissioner would take enforcement action against trusts or primary care practices, but also, as individual practitioners, your regulatory body… would take action as well.

“So it’s pretty severe, and it’s pretty serious stuff to be accessing notes that you don’t have permission to.”

Ms Caulfield added: “From a health perspective, it’s not acceptable to be looking at people’s notes, but it has been spotted and action has been taken so people can be reassured that if it does happen – particularly with electronic notes these days, it’s spotted pretty quickly if someone’s accessing notes that they shouldn’t be.”

The UK privacy and data protection watchdog said it had received a breach report.

Maryam Zakir-Hussain20 March 2024 11:43


Kate Middleton lookalike forced to deny conspiracy she is in farm shop footage with William

Heidi Agan even provided an alibi for where she was when the video was taken as she called on people to stop stirring up speculation that she says has sent her own social media channel “crazy”.

The 43-year-old, who has been impersonating Kate for 12 years, said that while the royal couple had been visiting Windsor Farm Shop on Saturday, she had been working as a teacher at a dance and musical theatre group.

Maryam Zakir-Hussain20 March 2024 11:21


Jimmy Kimmel compares Kate Middleton conspiracies to ‘missing’ Melania Trump

Mr Kimmel joined in the saga on his late-night show on Tuesday night and compared her absence to that of Donald Trump’s wife.

Maryam Zakir-Hussain20 March 2024 10:50


‘Hefty implications’ for accessing patients’ notes without permission

Health minister Maria Caulfield said there are hefty implications” for accessing the notes without permission, including prosecution or fines.

Speaking on LBC radio on Wednesday, Ms Caulfield said: “I say this as someone who’s still on the nursing register, that the rules are very, very clear for all patients.

“That unless you’re looking after that patient, or unless they’ve given you their consent, you should not be looking at patients’ notes.

“So there are rules in place and the Information Commissioner can levy fines, that can be prosecutions, your regulator, so as a nurse my regulator would be the NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council), can take enforcement action.”

Asked if the police should look into the matter, she said: “My understanding is that police have been asked to look at it – whether they take action is a matter for them.

“But the Information Commissioner can also take prosecutions, can also issue fines, the NMC, other health regulators can strike you off the register if the breach is serious enough.

“So there are particularly hefty implications if you are looking at notes for medical records that you should not be looking at.”

Maryam Zakir-Hussain20 March 2024 10:01


Police ‘asked to look at’ alleged medical record breach at The London Clinic

Police have “been asked to look at” whether staff at The London Clinic attempted to access the Princess of Wales’s private medical records, a health minister has said.

Maria Caulfield said there could be “hefty implications” for accessing the notes without permission, including prosecution or fines.

According to The Mirror, an investigation has been launched at the private central London hospital after at least one member of staff tried to access Kate’s notes while she was a patient there in January.

(PA Wire)

Maryam Zakir-Hussain20 March 2024 09:36


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