MP meets west London residents and volunteers at local food bank

Ruth Cadbury MP met with residents and volunteers at a food bank in west London run by local housing association A2Dominion and Hounslow Council.

The MP for Brentford and Isleworth attended the weekly drop-in at the Clayponds Community Centre and saw the hard work and dedication that the volunteers put in to support members of the local community.

More than 100 residents from across Ealing, Hounslow, Hillingdon and Hammersmith turned up on Tuesday 13th February and were able to take home a bag of fresh food supplied by The Felix Project charity to help them with the cost of living.

The weekly session has been running since December 2023 and also provides the opportunity for local residents to speak with various support agencies, including from Hounslow Community solutions, Hounslow Housing, Community Police and Health Outreach.

Ruth Cadbury MP said: “Too many local people are struggling at present so it’s good to know that every Tuesday afternoon there’s a friendly place in Brentford to pick up a bag of food, without needing a referral, and once a month also get financial advice and support from people such as Hounslow’s Community Solutions.”

Julie Brooker, Communities Partner at A2Dominion, is a resident representative in the local area and has volunteered at the Clayponds Community Centre for the past 40 years.

She said: “The centre has a great community feel and it so important for people to come together at these difficult times. The drop-in provides the opportunity for residents to pick up fresh supplies that they may otherwise go without and speak to experts who are able to provide advise on local issues and the cost of living.”

A2Dominion manages almost 3,000 homes in the London Borough of Hounslow. The housing association has a strong social purpose, and in 2022/23 its community investment activities generated more than £11 million in social value.

The food distribution session is held every Tuesday from 1.30pm-4.30pm at the Clayponds Community Centre in Brentford.

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