Three people including two teenagers stabbed in London street brawl | UK News

Three people including two teenagers stabbed in London street brawl | UK News

Police on Brandon Road in Walthamstow, E17 (Picture: @Punkeddiemurphy)

A street brawl in London has led to three people being taken to hospital with stab wounds, including two teenagers.

The pair of 18-year-olds, who were found on Stocksfield Road in Walthamstow, have also been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, the Met Police said.

Officers were called by the London Ambulance Service to nearby Brandon Road just after 6pm today.

A man in his thirties was found with stab injuries, and was taken to hospital.

His condition is not currently known.

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Stella Creasy, the Labour MP for the area, posted on a local Facebook page about ‘serious violence that has taken place in Walthamstow today’, calling for speculation to end.

She wrote: ‘Please think carefully that if it was your family or friends involved how you would feel to read such commentary and speculation, as well as about the impact of misinformation and rumour on our local community.’

According to the Sun, she also shared a police update saying: ‘Given the proximity of the various victims, the narrow window of time between incidents, and other recent violence, a Section 60 CJPOA was authorised at 18:30 until 06:30 tomorrow morning, covering Waltham Forest Borough.’

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