Activists hurl red paint over London building in ‘Free Gaza’ protest | UK News

Police have arrested a man after red paint was sprayed on to a weapons company’s offices in Piccadilly, west London.

Paint was thrown over the front of the London HQ of Leonardo in Eagle Place, and messages including “Free Gaza” were sprayed on to its facade.

Israel-Gaza latest: ‘Fierce fighting’ on ground

Pic: Story Picture Agency/Shutterstock

Activists from Palestine Action claimed they had targeted the premises.

Images posted on social media showed another man on the canopy with a red flare.

It comes amid the Israel-Hamas war in the Middle East which ignited on 7 October after a deadly attack by Hamas on Israel, which has responded with ongoing military action.

More than 1,400 Israelis have died and over 9,000 Palestinians since Hamas’s multi-pronged surprise attack last month.

Read more:
‘Pro-Palestinian protesters’ release live rodents into a McDonalds
‘The end of a chapter’: Stuart Ramsay on how Gaza has changed


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The Metropolitan Police said in a post on X, formerly Twitter, that a man is in police custody after he was arrested by officers on suspicion of criminal damage.

The force added: “One other person is currently on the canopy above the entrance to the building.

“Officers are dealing with this man and once he is down safely will seek to arrest him for any offences.”

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