Public invited to recline on psychoanalyst’s couch

Fans of Sigmund Freud will be able to mull over his work on a replica of his consulting couch.

The Freud Museum in Hampstead – formerly his home – said the couch was among a number of props created for a film about the psychoanalyst’s life in England.

Starring Anthony Hopkins, Matthew Goode and Liv Lisa Fries, Freud’s Last Session will be released in the new year following a December release in the US.

The museum’s new display also features a narration by Fries, who plays Freud’s daughter Anna in the film.

The display also celebrates the centenary of the publication of one of Freud’s most influential works, The Ego and the Id.

Freud moved to London in 1938 from Vienna following Nazi Germany’s annexation of Austria.

Giuseppe Albano, director of the museum, said: “We’re inviting visitors into Freud’s London home, to delve a little deeper into the Freudian universe, while reclining on a perfect replica of his famous psychoanalytic couch.”

He said the original couch would remain downstairs in Freud’s study, with the replica located upstairs.

Mr Albano added people could use the couch to “[ponder] the experiences of the more than 500 patients who were psychoanalysed by Freud”.

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