Firms make the cut for Inspire Future Generations Awards | News

Firms make the cut for Inspire Future Generations Awards | News

Built-environment charity Thornton Education Trust has announced the architecture practices shortlisted for its latest Inspire Future Generations Awards.

AHMM, Jan Kattein Architects and We Made That are vying for “best practice” this year. AHMM is also shortlisted in the “social value” category.

Additionally, Kattein and We Made That are shortlisted in the “community engagement category” – along with Matt & Fiona and Office S&M.

Elsewhere in the awards, Stanton Williams and Woods Bagot are shortlisted in the educational collaborations category.

TET trustee Victoria Thornton said there was a pressing need to create more opportunities for young people to influence their local environment and participate in the development of their communities.

“The IFG Awards celebrate those who contribute to achieving this goal, ensuring our built environment authentically mirrors the needs, aspirations and values of its most important stakeholders – the next generation,” she said.

Awards winners will be announced later this year.

Inspire Future Generations Awards shortlist 2023

Community engagement

Cement Fields – This Must Be the Place

2-3 Degrees and Landsec – Redesign Camden

Greater Cambridge Shared Planning – ‘Let’s Create’ Youth Community Engagement

Jan Kattein Architects Ltd – Cambridgeshire EverySpace

Matt &Fiona and Latimer – Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community – Youth Engagement

Office S&M Architects – Pride in Bruce Grove

We Made That and POoR Collective – Bexleyheath High Streets for All

WR-AP – Ham Close Regeneration Community Building

Social value

AHMM – Tower Hamlets Town Hall

Greater Cambridge Planning Service – Let’s create

Office S&M Architects – Pride in Bruce Grove

Diversity in action

Narrative Practice – Sessions

Places of ARcture – Play in Architecture

Re-Fabricate – Seats At The Table


Greater Cambridge Shared Planning

Greater London Authority


Narrative Practice

POoR Collective

Sarah Wigglesworth Architects

The Glass-House Community Led Design

Long-term programme – children

Archimake – National Qualifications for Kids in Urban Design

Catalytic Action – Kan Ya Makan, Co-creating children’s environments through narratives

Greater Cambridge Shared Planning – Have your say: Our Public Art and Let’s Create

Greater London Authority – Design Future London

Henley Halebrown – Young People into Architecture

One-off activity – children

Arkki Croatia – Recycled Old Town Šibenik

Bath Spa University – Forest of Imagination

Irish Architecture Foundation – Open House Junior

Places of ARcture – Museum Design Takeover at Collins Barracks

School of Geography, University of Otago – Playing planners

Long-term programme – youth

Design West – Shape My City

Greater London Authority – Design Future London

HUT and GPAD – Build The Way


The Design Museum – Ardagh Young Creatives

The London School of Architecture – The Rainbow Reading Room

The London School of Architecture – (Un)Building: Design, Space and City-Making

2-3 Degrees and Landsec – Redesign Camden

One-off activity – youth

Architecture at the Edge – Design Lab: Making Waves 2023

Beyond The Box CIC – Euston Tower Creative Producer Project

Cardiff University – A Grangetown to Grow Up In: Children and Young People’s Plan for Grangetown

CarverHaggard – Young People at the Centre of Brixton

Places of ARcture – Together We Care About Public Spaces

Re-Fabricate – Seats At The Table

WR-AP – Ham Close Regeneration Community Building

Educational collaborations

Architecture at the Edge Design Lab – Making Waves 2023

Enfield Council – Clean Air Route

Stanton Williams – Future Architects Programme

Woods Bagot – Blueprints of Tomorrow: Nurturing Future Architects

Reading Civic Society – LOOK DRAW BUILD @ Reading Station

Further/higher education

Cardiff University – Cardiff Breaking Barriers Summer School: Building capacity of the future place-makers

Cement Fields – This Must Be the Place

University of Portsmouth, School of Architecture – Living Walls

Online/IT projects and materials/resources

Collective Design Practice – Collective Design Toolkit

forty five degrees The Studio – Reflections

Greater London Authority – Design Future London

The Glass-House Community Led Design – Design Gaming Workshop Model

Research – pedagogy or practice-based

A Place in Childhood – Teenagers and Public Space in Scotland

Cardiff University – A Grangetown to Grow Up In

forty five degreesThe Studio – Reflections

School of Geography, University of Otago – Playing planners

Best built-environment practice


Jan Kattein Architects Ltd

We Made That

Best local authority

Greater Cambridge Shared Planning

London Borough of Waltham Forest

Best international not-for-profit organisation

Center for Architecture

Irish Architecture Foundation

YEP! Youth Engagement Planning

Best emerging not-for-profit organisation

2-3 Degrees

Catalytic Action

Make Space for Girls

Best established not-for-profit organisation

Beyond The Box CIC

Constructionarium Ltd


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