London sex party Crossbreed has closed for good

London sex party Crossbreed has closed for good

Sex-positive parties had a moment in London in 2022. Sadly, Crossbreed, a popular event among sex-posi ravers has closed for good, after allegations against its founder Alex Warren, also known by their DJ name Kiwi. 

Last week, Crossbreed cancelled three upcoming events in London and Manchester after Warren stepped down as head in response to the allegations. The queer rave posted a statement on its private Instagram account on November 15 saying: ‘The Crossbreed management team were made aware of some serious allegations put forward on an anonymous meme page against Alex. These allegations came as a huge shock to us.’

Since then, the management decided it couldn’t take the party further, instead closing down Crossbreed permanently. Warren posted a statement on Instagram which said: ‘The team has made the decision that it’s not possible to work with the Crossbreed brand further and as such I have to close the company down.’

They added: ‘Words will never really be enough. This community is so special and I hope that in time other spaces will grow too.’

Although the exact nature of the allegations against Warren are still unclear, they were made by an anonymous meme account. Warren responded on their Instagram stories last week that the meme account shared ‘some inaccurate and false stories’ as well as ‘some very serious allegations’.

They added: ‘The allegations made are serious and I need time to properly investigate what they are, process and understand them. Should there be anyone who feels harmed by me who feels safe coming forward I’m open to hearing from anyone I might have harmed, directly or indirectly. I aim to hold myself accountable, centre the wellbeing of those close to me who I love dearly and grow as a person.’

Crossbreed gained a name for itself for its Sunday afternoon queer rave/sex parties held at Colour Factory in Hackney Wick and Corsica Studios in south London. The Crossbreed Instagram has now been deactivated and all further events cancelled. Anyone who’s bought tickets will be issued an automatic refund. 

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