Mystery of the murdered trees on exclusive street | News

Mystery of the murdered trees on exclusive street | News

A family that bought an £11.5 million house on one of London’s most exclusive streets have been accused of poisoning two trees in their garden.

The property in The Little Boltons, in Chelsea, west London — a neighbourhood where residents have included Madonna and Jeffrey Archer — was bought last year and neighbours say that, within weeks, two trees in the garden looked like they were dying.

The claims emerged at a planning committee meeting last week, with the owners saying allegations that they had poisoned the trees, a eucalyptus and a false acacia, were “wholly unfounded”. They said the trees were “already dead” when they took possession of the property and they had contacted the council to raise concerns six days later.

The Little Boltons street in the borough of Kensington and Chelsea, west London


The Boltons

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