Croydon elects new councillor with less than 30% turnout – South London News

Croydon elects new councillor with less than 30% turnout – South London News

By Tara O’Connor, Local Democracy Reporter

A new Croydon councillor has been elected in the Selsdon Vale and Forestdale ward after slightly more than 2,000 people voted in a by-election –  a turnout of less than 30 per cent.

The Conservatives kept hold of the seat in the south of the borough with 46 per cent of the vote. This is 21 per cent lower than the party’s vote share in May’s local election.

The ward’s new councillor is Fatima Zaman who said before the election she wanted to focus on crime. She won with 983 votes.

Speaking after the results were announced she said: “I am overwhelmed and grateful for all the support I received.

“I am thankful to all those who voted for me and look forward to serving the whole community of Selsdon Vale and Forestdale.”

The Green Party’s Peter Underwood came in second place with 530 votes while Labour’s Tom Bowell got 372 votes. Independent candidate Andrew Pelling got 168 votes and Liberal Democract George Holland got 72.

The by-election was called after the death of Councillor Badsha Quadir in September. The 64-year-old had been a councillor for 12 years after he was first elected to represent Purley in 2010.

Croydon’s Conservative mayor, Jason Perry, Tweeted his congratulations to Councillor Zaman. He said: “You will be a great councillor, and I know you will work tirelessly for everybody in Selsdon Vale and Forestdale.”

Mr Underwood, who came in second place, said: “A huge thank you to everyone who voted Green in Selsdon Vale and Forestdale and another huge thank you to everyone who helped on the campaign.

“We have shown that there is a real and credible alternative to the old parties and I look forward to the Green vote continuing to grow.”

Pictured top: Croydon Town Hall (Picture: Grahame Larter)

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