How The National is covering the Supreme Court indyref showdown today

How The National is covering the Supreme Court indyref showdown today

TODAY and tomorrow, the Supreme Court will hear arguments on whether Scotland can legally hold an independence referendum without Westminster’s permission. 

It’s a hugely significant moment for the country – and will ultimately determine if the Scottish Government can go ahead with the proposed October 19, 2023, date of a vote on leaving the Union. 

READ MORE: Why the Scottish Government has taken Westminster to court over indyref2

If the case goes the other way, and the UK Government successfully argue that Holyrood doesn’t have the relevant powers to hold the referendum, the entire principle of the voluntary Union will be called into question. The next General Election will then become a de-facto referendum on Scottish independence. 

While it could take several weeks for the Supreme Court to provide a verdict, the arguments heard over Tuesday and Wednesday will play a major role in determining Scotland’s future. 

How is The National covering the story?

So, The National – Scotland’s ONLY independence-supporting daily newspaper – will be there every step of the way to bring you breaking news, analysis, Q&As and explainers on everything happening inside and outside of that court room.

Members of our top political reporting team will be in London throughout the case, hearing both the Scottish and UK government’s arguments and providing all the updates live.

READ MORE: How can I watch the UK Supreme Court case on indyref2?

Others will be outside the court, interviewing the key players, covering the planned protests and presenting live videos answering YOUR questions about this indyref showdown. 

Each day you can expect a live blog packed with news, analysis and reaction to the case. We’ll also have expert analysis from Andrew Tickell every night, translating the legal jargon into informative articles on what it all means for the future of our country.

All of this will only be available to subscribers – so make sure you take advantage of our new Pay What You Can Afford subscription deal and gain access to this high-quality coverage and reporting which doesn’t talk Scotland down. 

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