Woman blasts Tottenham Hotspur fans for using hospital car park so she couldn’t visit her mother, 84

Woman blasts Tottenham Hotspur fans for using hospital car park so she couldn’t visit her mother, 84

Tottenham Hotspur fans who clogged up a hospital car park have been branded ‘scum of the earth’ and ‘disgraceful’ by a family who nearly missed visiting their sick relative.

Anna-Louise O’Toole could not find a space at North Middlesex University Hospital in Edmonton, north London, when she went to visit her mother, Timorah, 84, yesterday. 

According to Ms O’Toole, Spurs fans could be heard bragging about parking at the hospital because it was cheaper than other options near the stadium, which is around one mile away.

Two fans were also heard bragging that next time they ‘should park in the maternity ward car park because it’s even cheaper’.

Ms O’Toole said: ‘The issue I have is that I couldn’t get in to see my mum as there were Spurs fans driving around the car park, sitting in their cars and waiting to walk over to the match.

Anna-Louise O’Toole (left) could not find a space at North Middlesex University Hospital in Edmonton, north London, when she went to visit her mother, Timorah, 84 (right)

‘What does annoy me is inconsiderate car parking, how would they feel if they couldn’t see their relative in hospital?’   

Ms O’Toole lost half an hour of her allotted visiting time from driving around the local area looking for a space to park.

Thankfully, hospital staff were understanding of her situation and she was able to stay with her mother for the full time booked.

Ms O'Toole lost half an hour of her allotted visiting time from driving around the local area looking for a space to park. The hospital car park (pictured) has an ANPR system which means visitors don't have to pay for their parking at reception

Ms O’Toole lost half an hour of her allotted visiting time from driving around the local area looking for a space to park. The hospital car park (pictured) has an ANPR system which means visitors don’t have to pay for their parking at reception

She described a ‘flurry of Spurs fans’ in the club’s colours leaving their cars, who were going to watch the match against the Wolverhampton Wanderers at 12.30pm. 

Anna-Louise’s daughter, Zara-Louise O’Toole, said her mum had to listen to soothing podcasts on the drive home as she was ‘unable to see out of anger’.

Ms O’Toole continued: ‘Luckily I’m able-bodied and could walk up to the hospital and the distance was not too much of a problem, this is the first time I’ve visited when the car park was full of the fans.

‘Whilst it must be a nice revenue for the hospital itself it’s frustrating that people are parking inconsiderably at a hospital.’

She added that the car park has an ANPR system which means visitors don’t have to pay for their parking at reception.

Ms O’Toole’s daughter, Zara-Louise, said: ‘My mum has never been so furious in her life and she’s a very calm person by nature.

‘She’s never been so angry, after she saw my grandma she had to listen to a podcast in the car on the way home to take her mind off the situation as she couldn’t see out of anger.

‘I really want Spurs to do something about this – it’s the only Spurs match that’s happened since my grandma has been in hospital so it must have been happening at every match, surely, because so many had turned up today.’

Two fans were also heard bragging that next time they 'should park in the maternity ward car park because it's even cheaper'

Two fans were also heard bragging that next time they ‘should park in the maternity ward car park because it’s even cheaper’

Football fans were visiting to watch Tottenham Hotspur play against the Wolverhampton Wanderers at 12.30pm.

Sharing her frustrations online, Zara-Louise wrote: ‘Something has riled me up this morning that has to be discussed.

‘My grandma is currently in North Midlands Hospital and my mum went to visit her today (as she does everyday). Usually, we just drive in, park and go into the hospital.

‘However, there’s a Tottenham Hotspur match on today and guess who’s parked in the hospital parking Spur’s fans have.

‘Disgraceful bunch of sick a** people. Hospitals are busy at the moment, visiting hours are restricted and when you spend 30 mins looking for a parking space it doesn’t leave room for visiting sick family members.

‘I can’t believe I’m actually explaining this and talking about it? What f*****g sick-minded people park in a hospital car park to watch a bloody football match? Fifth. Actual scum of the earth you lot and l’ll say that with my chest.”

North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust, which runs the hospital, has been contacted for comment.


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