Kelly Kasulis Cho named breaking news reporter and editor at The Post’s Seoul hub

Kelly Kasulis Cho named breaking news reporter and editor at The Post’s Seoul hub

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Announcement from Foreign Editor Douglas Jehl and Interim Deputy Foreign Editor Susan Levine and Seoul hub editor Kendra Nichols:

We are very happy to announce that Kelly Kasulis Cho will join The Post as a breaking news reporter and editor at our hub in Seoul.

Kelly will be part of a rapidly expanding team that covers the most urgent and interesting stories that break anywhere in the world during the Asia day. The Seoul hub is part of a round-the-clock relay in which responsibilities are handed off from Seoul to London to Washington to ensure delivery of timely, quality coverage to our global audience 24 hours a day.

These breaking news hubs have become integral to The Post’s newsroom since their launch a year ago. Kelly joins us as part of an expansion under which the Seoul and London operations will grow by 40 percent this year, to 14 full-time staffers in each location. She will work primarily as a reporter but will occasionally shift into an editing role.

Kelly is currently a staff editor for the New York Times in Seoul, where she works on the homepage, newsletters and push alerts. She worked previously as managing editor and reporter for NK News, an independent news organization covering North Korea, and as a freelance foreign correspondent covering the Koreas for several news organizations, including Public Radio International, BBC World Service and Bloomberg BNA.

She began her career as a digital editor for the GroundTruth Project and as a contributor to the Boston Globe, where she wrote a weekly reported science column and helped cover Asian American issues. She is a graduate of Northeastern University and spent four years as a fellow through the Emma L. Bowen Foundation for Minority Interests in Media, with a placement at NBC Connecticut.

Kelly grew up in the United States but has lived in Seoul since 2017; she speaks Korean. Please welcome Kelly, who will start at the Seoul hub on Sept. 19.

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