Fires in north, south & west London break out – why is there smoke in London?

Fires in north, south & west London break out – why is there smoke in London?

The London Fire Brigade told Londoners in affected areas to ensure their windows and doors are closed.

Fires have broken out in north, south and west London, which is causing smoke to billow across the capital.

The London Fire Brigade told Londoners in affected areas to ensure their windows and doors are closed.

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Firefighters work to dampen down the grass fire in Rammey Marsh Enfield. Credit: LFB

Why is there smoke over London today?

Three major grass fires have broken out in the west, south-east and north of the capital, which are causing smoke to billow across London.

Around midday, 100 firefighters were called to Rammey Marsh, Enfield, after grassland had caught ablaze.

An area the size of four football pitches had caught alight, with firefighters still battling to contain the blaze.

The LFB said: “It is producing a lot of smoke so please close your doors and windows if you’re in the local area.

“Please spare a thought for firefighters working in this heat and help us prevent further fires by not barbecuing, removing glass from grassland and disposing of cigarettes correctly.”

Meanwhile in west London, five hectares of grass and shrubland at Cranford Park, in Hayes, had caught on fire.

Ten engines and 70 firefighters are still trying to put out the blaze.

The LFB added: “ It is causing heavy smoke in west London so please close doors and windows if nearby.”

And in Thamesmead, 65 firefighters are battling with a grassfire in Defence Close, which is causing huge amounts of smoke to billow into the sky.

Harry Jay filmed the smoke from Eltham.

Once again the fire brigade urged Londoners to close their windows and doors nearby.

On top of this, Surrey Fire and Rescue Service has declared a major incident over a huge grass fire on Hankley Common, south of the capital.

People all over London have reported being able to see smoke in their area, some miles away from the actual blazes.

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Should I have a barbecue in the hot weather?

The London Fire Brigade urged people to resist having barbecues in the hot weather, due to risks of fire.

Fire Commissioner Andy Roe urged councils to ban barbecues while temperatures stayed high.

He said: “With no end to the hot weather in sight, I am deeply concerned the unprecedented scale of these fires is set to continue, putting lives at risk and devastating green spaces around the capital.

“The London Fire Brigade (LFB) has been issuing warnings and safety advice to Londoners throughout the summer, but people are continuing to behave carelessly and recklessly.

“I am now calling for a temporary ban on the use of barbecues in all public parks and open spaces and I’m asking for your help to keep people safe.”

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