The mainstream media today is reporting that a group of anti-landlord/anti-agent activists called an agent a “w*****” at a protest.
This apparently prompted the agent to lift a nearby advertising board and be restrained by colleagues.
The Daily Star says a video posted on social media by the London Renters Union shows the fracas outside Eaton Green agency office in Camberwell, south London.
The clip shows the group of activists being escorted out of the premises after they staged an anti-eviction protest. At that point one of them appears to call the agent, who was wearing casual clothes, a “w*****.”
The newspaper says the man was in fact a director of the agency.
The agent appears to pull open the door after the group leaves and says: “Hold on, what did you say?” He then approaches the man who made the comment and the pair begin pushing each other before others step in on both sides.
You can see the Daily Star’s report here.