Why is London Euston station closed over the Easter bank holiday? | News

Why is London Euston station closed over the Easter bank holiday? | News

Details have been released explaining why London Euston station must be closed during essential railway improvements over the Easter bank holiday.

Network Rail is investing millions of pounds upgrading sections of track in Watford to improve future journeys on one of Europe’s busiest mixed-use passenger and freight rail routes.

Upgrades will also take place to switches and crossings – the equipment which lets trains move between lines.

Such complex and large projects can only be done during a full closure of the railway, with bank holidays being the least disruptive time to do them.

In numbers, the improvements will see:

    1km of new track installed
    5,000 tonnes of new railway foundation stone (ballast) laid
    7,000 worker hours over 14 shifts
    2 rail mounted cranes to lift in the new track sections
    8 rail mounted excavators to move stone and spoil
    Once complete the railway renewals will increase the number of trains which can pass through the key junction, meaning fewer delays and faster journeys for passengers and freight in future.

As well as the track improvements, engineers are making the most of the full railway closure to carry out a wide range of other work, including drainage, fencing, station maintenance and bridge surveys.

Network Rail is advising people to ‘travel either side’ of the bank holiday to avoid disruption caused by the must-do work.

The essential upgrades mean no trains will serve London Euston between 15 – 18 April (Good Friday to Easter Monday).

Services will start and finish at Milton Keynes instead.

Passengers needing to travel on the days in between could have longer journeys, fewer available seats, and may need to use rail replacement buses.


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