A banqueting hall in North West London has been given permission to serve alcohol and play music until 11pm each night, despite fears this could keep one neighbour awake. Saba Banqueting Hall, in Wembley, saw its application for an alcohol licence approved by Brent Council this morning (Tuesday, March 29).
This came despite objections from a local resident who suggested their sleep could be disturbed by events being held there. Local councillor Robert Johnson, who put forward the objections on the resident’s behalf, explained he had “angst and anxiety” that he “can’t get to sleep” if there is late night music coming from the venue.
He said he was not opposed to alcohol being served at the hall, but that if this contributed to excessive noise, he would complain “strongly and vigorously”. Saba, which hosts celebrations such as weddings and birthday parties, sought to offer alcohol between 5pm and 11pm Monday to Sunday, and also play “background music” during these hours.
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Ryan Skidmore, representing the applicant, explained there had been no complaints from the council’s environmental health teams that there could be issues with noise. He added soundproof measures had been put in place to reduce the impact of any music being played and that his client, Shams Sadat, would work with licensing officers and the police to ensure there were no issues.
A number of conditions were put in place, and agreed to by Mr Sadat, to ensure the licensing rules are upheld. These include the installation of good quality CCTV cameras at the front and back of the property, that recordings are kept for at least 31 days and can be accessed by council officers upon request.
Officers said alcohol should only be drunk with a meal and customers should not be able to stand while drinking. They added that staff should receive regular training, customers should be actively encouraged to leave quietly and no more than five people at any time should be outside smoking. Brent Council’s licensing sub-committee was “satisfied” Mr Sadat would be able to comply with these conditions and granted the licence.
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