Highway Code changes: New rules issued about who gets priority at roundabouts

Highway Code changes: New rules issued about who gets priority at roundabouts

Cyclists will now get priority at roundabouts, according to new Highway Code rules.

Previously, drivers were given priority at roundabouts.

But in a new section under rule 186, motorists will now be forced to give priority to cyclists on roundabouts, reported The Manchester Evening News.

READ MORE: London’s most dangerous roundabouts revealed

The rule reads: “You should give priority to cyclists on the roundabout. They will be travelling more slowly than motorised traffic.

“Give them plenty of room and do not attempt to overtake them within their lane.

“Allow them to move across your path as they travel around the roundabout.

“Cyclists, horse riders and horse-drawn vehicles may stay in the left-hand lane when they intend to continue across or around the roundabout and should signal right to show you they are not leaving the roundabout.

“Drivers should take extra care when entering a roundabout to ensure that they do not cut across cyclists, horse riders or horse-drawn vehicles in the left-hand lane, who are continuing around the roundabout.”

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Another change on the Highway Code will advise drivers on the best technique to open a vehicle’s door.

Commonly known as the ‘Dutch Reach’, the technique aims to encourage drivers to look over their shoulder and check for other road users when opening the door.

According to CyclingUK, every year more than 500 people across England, Wales and Scotland are injured because someone opens a car door into their path.

What do you think of the new rule in the Highway Code? Let us know in the comments.

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