Wet weekend brings a torrent of mixed blessings | News

Wet weekend brings a torrent of mixed blessings | News

Flash floods left roads submerged and caused traffic disruption while grey skies meant a miserable day for many people. But there were some who embraced the prospect of a Boxing Day drenching.

In Eastbourne more than 120 swimmers plunged into the sea for a bracing dip in aid of the RNLI. Hundreds of swimmers in festive fancy dress enjoyed unseasonably warm weather for the annual “Walk into the Sea” event at Paignton, Devon.

In London, swimmers called off a planned dip after heavy rain led to Thames Water warning that untreated sewage was being released into the river at Witney, Oxfordshire, and west London at the weekend.

In Essex heavy rain took its toll with at least one car stranded by rising flood waters


Rain, sleet and snow swept across the country yesterday, causing disruption in places. While the north of England


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