Youtuber who visited Croydon to see if the ‘dangerous’ stereotype is true was shocked at how ‘nice it is’

Youtuber who visited Croydon to see if the ‘dangerous’ stereotype is true was shocked at how ‘nice it is’

A YouTube channel presenter visited Croydon after discovering that the South London district was deemed the most dangerous borough in the capital.

The man who goes by Zeeeboii online decided to explore the controversial subject matter after seeing the statistic on a MyLondon article published in April 2021.

In the article titled, “London’s most dangerous areas as 6 teens knifed to death on streets in 3 months”, Croydon topped the list of the boroughs with the highest number of crimes so far in the year.

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Although the data was only based on the first few months of 2021 it found that Croydon had witnessed 4,781 crimes followed by Newham and then Tower Hamlets.

Zeeeboii, who lives in the borough, ventured into the main centre with a friend to find out whether it really is that bad and the results left the presenter surprised.

“I thought I’d go to Croydon and explore, and really find out if it is the ghetto,” he told his subscribers.

“The moment we got there we got approached by these random people for an opportunity to make £20 – I’m telling you, that doesn’t happen anywhere else.”

Fortunately, rather than anything illicit, it turned out that the person offering him money was a market researcher and the YouTuber was more than happy to take part.

“This is why Croydon is a brilliant place. You walk in Croydon and before you know it. You make £20 easy,” he exclaimed.

In the next segment of the video, Zeeeboii visits a friend outside a mobile phone shop where his friend infers that the area is not that bad.

After a brief visit to the Waterstones in the Whitgift Centre, Zeeeboii summons up the courage to ask passing members of the public about which borough they think is the most dangerous in London.

One passerby jokingly said he is scared he will “get stabbed every day”, while an elderly gentleman said, “Piccadilly”.

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Concluding what he found, Zeeeboii said: “Everyone tries to make out Croydon is worse than it is.

“Look how nice it is. How can this place be the slums? It’s bulls***.”

“Croydon is not that bad,” he said, before adding that he didn’t even get robbed once while filming.

He concluded: “It’s pretty nice.”

According to the Met Police’s latest figures, the borough with the highest number of crimes between January and November 2021 is Westminster with 44,862 offences recorded.

Newham was second with 31,146 offences and Croydon third with 30,371 crimes.

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