East London boroughs with UK’s worst Covid-19 booster uptake

East London boroughs with UK’s worst Covid-19 booster uptake

10:53 AM December 23, 2021

11:29 AM December 23, 2021

Tower Hamlets, Newham and Barking and Dagenham have the UK’s three lowest percentages of eligible adults who have had their Covid-19 booster jabs.

In Tower Hamlets, a total of 71,784 people aged 18 or older have had a top up after their two inital doses, which is 28pc of the population – the worst uptake among local authorities nationally.

Newham has the second lowest uptake at 30pc of its eligible population, with 80,428 boosts given as of December 19.

Barking and Dagenham is ranked third-bottom nationally with 32pc – amounting to 48,270 jabs – according to the latest figures from the UK Health Security Agency.

On December 13, anyone aged 18 or older became eligible for a booster of the vaccine, as long as it has been at least three months since their second jab.

At that time, eight of the 10 local authorities with the lowest booster jab uptake rates were in London.

The latest figures follow 27,000 shots being delivered in one day last week across eight local authorities covered by the NHS North East London Clinical Commissioning Group (NEL CCG) – including Barking and Dagenham, Newham and Tower Hamlets.

GP and NEL CCG clinical chair for Newham, Dr Muhammad Naqvi, said: “There is understandable concern over Omicron due to the speed with which it is spreading and because two doses of vaccine do not appear to provide much protection.

“Thankfully evidence suggests that a third dose dramatically improves our defences.

READ MORE: Covid vaccine – one year on: London boroughs among worst for jab rates

“That makes it all the more important that people act now to protect themselves and loved ones against Covid-19 this Christmas by coming forward for their booster vaccine.

“Please don’t delay – having your booster can help prevent you from becoming seriously ill and requiring hospital treatment, and will also help protect your family and those around you.”

According to the UK Health Security figures to December 19, there were still 188,324 people who hadn’t received their third dose in Newham, another 186,136 to be given in Tower Hamlets and 101,745 remaining in Barking and Dagenham.

Visit https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/book-coronavirus-vaccination/ or call 119 to make an appointment, or go to a walk-in vaccination centre in your area.


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