Junior doctor left with devastating injuries and needing 7 operations after ex-boyfriend threw acid on her

Junior doctor left with devastating injuries and needing 7 operations after ex-boyfriend threw acid on her

A junior doctor from Brighton who was horrifically injured in an acid attack by her London-based ex boyfriend has already had seven operations to treat her injuries, and will need many more.

Rym Alaoui, 25, was left with life-changing injuries when she was attacked by her former boyfriend after opening her front door on May 20.

Milad Rouf, 25, who is from Eltham in London, disguised himself in a ‘fat suit’ before heading to Rym’s Brighton home and throwing sulphuric acid over her face.

READ MORE: Wembley man, 27, left with permanent damage to face after woman threw acid over him in his home

Rym needs to raise around £60,000 to pay for further operations she’ll need. She’s been left with no vision in her right eye and severe burns to her face, neck, eyes, chest and arm.

After initially raising £2,000 after the attack, Rym’s sister Alya has re-launched the campaign, noting that Rym’s family now have a ‘clearer view’ of her current and future medical requirements.

“Her injuries have turned out to be more serious than we expected at the time, and the full treatment unfortunately cannot be offered only by the NHS,” Alya says on the Go Fund Me campaign.

“Rym has suffered severe injuries to her face, neck, chest and arms. She’s still unable to see out of her right eye. So far, she’s had 7 operations including skin grafts to her neck and chest, and operations to her eye.

Milad Rouf from London disguised himself before going to Rym’s home to pour acid over her

“Her doctors have said that she’ll need many more over the coming months and years. The cost of this all is estimated to be over £60,000.

“This includes a reconstruction of her neck, specialised laser therapy for scarring and surgical needling.

“I appreciate this is a really large sum of money, and I would be eternally grateful for anything you could give to help,” Alya says, adding that her sister Rym’s “modest savings, having been an NHS junior doctor for only 10 months after her graduation, have been depleted”.

She continues: “Our parents have been the only financial support and continue to cover her medical needs and domestic expenses. However, as a family, our funds are running low and we would really appreciate any help that we could get to give my sister her life back.

“Rym has always worked extremely hard to fulfil her dream to be a doctor and help people. Everyone who knows her knows how genuinely kind, loving and caring she is. We want to give her every chance to get back to a normal life and continue with her work”.

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In the first three days since the fundraiser campaign was re-launched, over £34,000 has been donated to help pay for the surgeries.

Rym’s ex-boyfriend Milad Rouf, who trained with Rym at Cardiff University, was sentenced to 11 years in prison with a four year extended licence after being found guilty of the attack.

Rouf had pleaded guilty in court, despite initially denying charges to the police.

He had disguised himself as a woman while carrying out the attack, in which he threw sulphuric acid in Rym’s face after knocking on her door.

CCTV footage showed him throwing the clothes he was wearing away before going into Primark to buy new clothes.

A hand-written note listing some of the items used in his disguise was later found at his address when police turned up to arrest him.

Milad will spend at least the first three quarters of his sentence in custody.

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