A 65-year-old woman has said she would “starve” without the essential support from the Hounslow Community FoodBox in West London.
Fiona Higgins lives in sheltered accommodation in Hounslow and suffers from both physical and mental health problems including a disabled right arm, heart problems as well as PTSD and depression.
The 65-year-old, whose income consists of a monthly Universal Credit payment of £295, explained how she “would not have survived” without the physical and emotional support from volunteers at Hounslow Community Foodbox.
Fiona said: “To put it bluntly, I am totally impoverished, depressed and in such a dark hole that I sometimes, most definitely feel, that there is quite simply no light at the end of the tunnel.”
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A cupboard in Fiona’s kitchen at her sheltered accommodation in Hounslow
She said: “Physically I would starve without the help of a wonderful food parcel…Psychologically, emotionally and mentally, there is empathy [from Hounslow Foodbox]. It is very much needed.”
Fiona explained that the support from the Hounslow Foodbox is an “absolute godsend” after she spent the first coronavirus lockdown “not really eating”.
The 65-year-old receives a food parcel every week from the charity with food that is suitable for her specific disabilities.
She said: “I cannot use a can opener, so [the FoodBox] has made sure the instructions are: ‘cannot cook, disabled right arm, ring pull cans only.’
“That is so thoughtful. It is not just the case of dropping it off and that’s it – the needs for me are met.”
Despite the support from the Hounslow FoodBox, Fiona explained her increasing concern as she faces rising electricity and gas prices as well as the removal of the £20 Universal Credit uplift.
The £20-a-week increase to universal credit payments, which was in place for 18 months during the pandemic, officially ended on October 6.
“I had to apply for a discretionary housing payment to pay for heating and electricity…You cannot live on £295 a month,” Fiona added.
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Hounslow Community FoodBox was set up in 2012 and started delivering emergency food to those in need from April 2013.
The service focuses on providing food, support and advice to users as well as volunteering opportunities to enable people to get back into work.
The volunteer-run registered charity has supported over 13,000 users in the past year with referrals increasing by 400per cent during the pandemic. Approximately 70pc of the people supported by the Hounslow FoodBox receive home deliveries.
Oonah Lacey, Project Advisor at the Hounslow FoodBox, said the charity is being hit by petrol price rises and the ULEZ charge. This is set to increase the cost of their delivery service by £3,000 a year.
She explained: “We fully support environmental initiatives and try to include them as part of our operating processes but this is an additional cost.
“This will mean in the future we have to recruit volunteers, not just on their passion to help and give back, but on what vehicle they own. Not the best way forward at all.”
And, despite the increase in demand for the Hounslow FoodBox during the pandemic, Oonah said the service has seen a 40pc dip in the number of donations from individuals due to rising prices and food shortages.
Food donated to Hounslow Community Foodbox
(Image: Hounslow Community Foodbox)
She explained: “People are tightening their belts… People are hearing about tax rises. A number of people were on furlough and reduced income for over a year and they would have used up savings if they had them.
“Covid-19 has made us all think we are much more vulnerable than we thought we were.”
Janet Fletcher, Manager at Ealing Foodbank, echoed similar concerns as she explained how the service in West London is bracing for an increase in demand.
The Ealing foodbank is a project founded by local churches and community groups, working together towards stopping hunger in the Borough of Ealing.
The foodbank runs seven foodbank centres, which they call cafes, providing users with a warm welcome, hot drink and food.
The foodbank, which recently reached its 100,000th user, saw a 150pc increase in users from April 2020 to March 2021.
And, despite the number of users falling this year, Janet says she expects “numbers will go back up again” in the run-up to Christmas.
Manager at Ealing Foodbank, Janet Fletcher
(Image: Ealing Foodbank)
“Everybody has to have a reason for crisis when they are referred to us and the majority of those are on low income,” she said.
“We are expecting, as we get to Christmas and the bills hit, numbers will go back up again. We saw a dip around six months in and now demand is going back up again.”
Janet, who joined the foodbank when it opened in 2013, described how users are struggling to deal with ongoing financial insecurity.
“It’s the relentlessness of always having to try and stretch things,” she said, “Never feeling that they are getting ahead of the curve.”
Despite the increase in demand for both the Hounslow Foodbox and Ealing Foodbank, both services say they will be able to meet the needs of those who seek help.
Food donated to Ealing foodbank during the Harvest
(Image: Ealing foodbank)
“I think we will cope because we always have,” said Janet.
“We have a fantastically generous society around us. Many of them are as outraged as us that this needs to happen.”
However, Janet did express her concerns that foodbanks have become such a normalised part of society.
She explained: “For me, it’s a bigger thing. We need a change in our society. We need a big shift in what we, as the general public, are prepared to put in the public purse in the hope our politicians will spend it in the right place.”
“We need to engage and open our eyes to what I, as a single person in society, can do to make a difference, to make food banks, night shelters, soup kitchens so much smaller.”
Ealing foodbank is expecting a rise in demand this Christmas
(Image: Ealing foodbank)
Janet added: “When we started [in 2013] we thought maybe in five years we would have seen a difference, we would have turned a corner and things would be better.
“We have got so used to food banks. You know when you become mainstream and part of society when you are in dramas, in TV shows and on the radio [where] people are trotting along to the foodbank as if it’s normal?
“When did we get to a stage of this being acceptable?”
Oonah, from the Hounslow Community Foodbox, added: “We have never not helped anyone and I really hope that we can continue to maintain that record during the next few difficult months.
“Donations of food and money is so important because as a registered charity run by volunteers we are 100pc reliant on the generosity, kindness and commitment of local people to help each other.”
Ealing foodbank is part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.
The foodbank works with 200-plus referral agencies and has a team of over 100 volunteers. You can find out how you can support the Ealing foodbank here.
Hounslow Community Foodbox was created to help prevent poverty and support people with essential food supplies and assistance to get their lives back on track. You can find out how you can support the Hounslow Community Foodbox here.
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