Copia Capital Management has launched a new range of portfolios combining exposure to active and index-tracking funds.
The discretionary firm’s new five-strong Select Blended portfolio range will be available on 12 investment platforms.
The risk-rated portfolios are aimed at clients with longer-term investment horizons in need of portfolios diversified across multiple asset classes and geographies.
Senior portfolio manager Hoshang Daroga said: ‘In launching this new suite of portfolios, our objective is to give advisers access to broadly diversified efficient portfolios that maximise returns over the long term for different levels of risk relative to global equities.
‘The portfolio is constructed and managed using the same principles as used by the largest institutional investors, with a tactical asset allocation overlay driven by the Copia risk barometer.’
As of the end of the first quarter of this year, Copia ran £1.2bn across its model portfolio range. The business, which was established seven years ago, featured among the fast-growing MPS propositions in NextWealth’s annual study, released earlier this year.
In February, the firm removed VAT across the service after HM Revenue & Customs confirmed in September that it would allow asset managers to self-assess whether their MPS products were VAT-eligible.