Woman, 36, confronts group of men harassing her in South London park and gets called ‘queen’ and ‘princess’

Woman, 36, confronts group of men harassing her in South London park and gets called ‘queen’ and ‘princess’

A South London woman secretly filmed herself confronting a group of men in her local park after they began harassing her and commenting on her body.

Naomi Dalton, from Hither Green, in Lewisham, was taking a stroll through Mountsfield Park on the evening of Saturday, October 9, when one of the men began making a “running commentary” on her physical appearance.

The 36-year-old decided to confront the group after recognising one of them as a regular of the area and because other people were still inside the park.

READ MORE:London woman ‘jeered at, followed and harassed’ 3 times in ONE day by men

Naomi confronted the men because she wanted to tell them how ‘compliments’ from strangers can make women feel

“It was one of those things that’s happened to me 100 times before that I’ve just ignored and kept walking, but at this particular time I was in the park, there were other people around. I had just stopped to look at the rose garden which I often do,” Naomi told MyLondon.

She continued: “This guy was making a running commentary of ‘compliments’ and the other guy was just laughing at him. I just continued what I was doing because I thought I’m not just going to leave because of them. I didn’t feel as intimidated because I recognised one of them.

“I think that was why I approached them.”

Naomi recalled how one of the men “just kept on and on without taking a breath”, so she walked over and told them how commenting on a women’s physique is uncomfortable and intimidating.

'They blatantly wouldn't have done that if I was walking with a man', says Naomi

‘They blatantly wouldn’t have done that if I was walking with a man’, says Naomi

She added: “I thought these guys have probably never been challenged, no one has ever told them that this just isn’t OK. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, if they have never put themselves in a position of a woman – they have never been a woman.

“They don’t know how it feels to have that anxiety in your chest, when you’ve got a guy either making a comment or walking too close behind you – they’ve never had that feeling of standing in front of your wardrobe thinking, ‘I won’t wear that today, I don’t want to be harassed today.”

Naomi calmly warned them of the recent events regarding Sarah Everard and Sabina Nessa, but was told “not to have a negative attitude”.

One of the men can be heard calling Naomi a “queenie” and a “princess” to which Naomi replies: “please don’t call me that”.

In a secret phone recording of the ordeal, one of the men says he is called “T” after Naomi asks for his name.

To which Naomi says: “Okay I’m N. Look I’m just trying to explain from the perspective of a woman, I’m not having a go, right?

“But sometimes if a woman is on her own in a park and a man that she doesn’t know is making comments, she could feel uncomfortable. Even if you’ve got the best intentions, okay?”

Worried that the situation would escalate and “go badly”, Naomi decided to stop recording after almost two minutes. But she says the conversation lasted for around 10 minutes.

Naomi believes if she was walking in the company of another man, the incident wouldn’t have happened.

She explained: “Neither of them wanted to give me their names, they obviously knew they did something wrong. I don’t think they were completely ignorant and naïve.

“And they blatantly wouldn’t have done that if I was walking with a man.”

Naomi advises women to report everyday 'small' incidents to the police

Naomi advises women to report everyday ‘small’ incidents to the police

Towards the end of the conversation, Naomi walked away from the men with her coat tied round her waist because she felt self-conscious from the “hourglass figure” comments and attention drawn to her physique.

She admits she’d not typically record an incident of this nature and advises other women to not record because of the risks involved.

Naomi does encourage, however, to report everyday “small” incidents like this to the police – Naomi has since reported the incident to the police.

She said: “I would encourage women to report these everyday ‘small’ incidents that we’re just so use to, police need to start having data that shows what’s going on.

“I f they don’t have that, then they can’t start working towards solutions or responses.”

The Metropolitan Police has been contacted by MyLondon for comment.

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