Was a UFO really spotted in South London? Netizens share reactions

An unidentified flying object (UFO) reportedly seen in South London recently took the internet by storm. A social media user who goes by the name u/ErykahBeeh shared the clip on Reddit and asked other social media users about what the UFO could be. The clip has caught the attention of netizens, who expressed their views about the sighting of the object in the comments section. 

The caption shared alongside the video read, “What in the south London UFO is this? (sic)” As per the caption shared alongside the clip, the object was spotted floating over South London. The video grabbed the attention of social media users and prompted people to post varied comments. 

Netizens react to ‘UFO’ sighting

Since being shared on Reddit, the post has been 98% upvoted. Netizens stunned to see the object floating over South London shared their reactions in the comments section. One user commented, “Or a flying Titan that got its foot stuck in a saxophone.” Another user commented, “We know them locally as Danny the Dementor.” Another social media user commented, “Spiderman confirmed to truly be a menace!.” Another user commented, “Kinda looks like some sort of man balloon Halloween is coming up that could explain it.” Here are some other comments from netizens: 





‘Incredible sighting on film’ by flight passenger

Earlier in July, a person had spotted an unusually slick object from the window of his plane. He recorded the sighting using his camera and administered proof of the shimmering white object that appeared to be constantly changing shape. After his trip, he sent his video to a popular YouTuber, who goes by the YouTube handle of Disclose Screen the Grimreefar.

Grimreefar posted the video on his page and analysed the possible origins and the destination of the unknown object. He said in the video, “I’ve got this incredible sighting on film by a passenger onboard an airline of what appears to be a shape-shifting object.” He added, “The plane’s altitude is anywhere between 10,000 and 30,000 feet and this object is filmed over seven minutes above the altitude of the plane and it seems to be moving alongside with the plane. People are going to call this a UFO, well technically it is, but I’m leaning more towards this being a biological entity or a plasma-based life form living in our upper atmosphere.” Watch the video here:


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