Sir David Amess: Police search London addresses after killing of MP

Sir David Amess: Police search London addresses after killing of MP

The sister of murdered Labour MP Jo Cox, who is now an MP herself, says a lot of people’s lives will have been changed by Sir David’s death.

Ms Cox was killed in 2016 outside a library in Birstall, West Yorkshire, where she was due to hold a constituency surgery.

Kim Leadbeater became Labour MP for Batley and Spen – the seat formerly held by her sister – in July.

She said she was “totally shocked by what has happened, to think that something so horrific could happen again to another MP, to another family”.

“The shock and the feelings for us as a family, obviously what we went through and another family are going through that again, it’s horrific,” she said.

“The main people I am thinking about are David’s family, his friends and the community he represents and has represented for such a long time.

“I think that’s the thing that people need to understand, it’s about a lot of people whose lives have changed forever today.”

She said that many other MPs, like her, would be scared after what has happened today.

“My partner came home and said ‘I don’t want you to do it any more,’ because the next time that phone goes, it could be a different conversation,” she added.

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