Driving instructor lands parking ticket after breaking down during petrol crisis

Driving instructor lands parking ticket after breaking down during petrol crisis

A London driving instructor was slapped with a parking ticket after breaking down during the petrol shortage.

Kelyon Ross was shocked to see a Brent Council traffic warden giving him a ticket as he came back with jerry cans from a nearby garage.

Despite his pleas, the council officer put the fine through the system. Kelyon says his pleas to have it overturned have failed.

He said: “Like everybody else I was driving along trying to find somewhere to fill up, but traffic was backed up everywhere.

“Suddenly my car shuddered to a stop, so I just pulled in where I could and looked for somewhere to get petrol as I had a driving test coming up.

“When I came back with the petrol can I saw a guy giving me a ticket. I asked him what he was doing but he just ignored me.

“I guess he was just doing his job, but you’d think people at the council would take a second look after I explained the situation.”

Kelyon’s parked car after he was given a parking fine

Kelyon said he was “under pressure” to find somewhere quickly as he was on his way to take a client for their test.

He explained he had nowhere else to stop as he had run out of fuel and noted that despite being parked on a single yellow line, he was not in a dangerous position.

He lodged an informal appeal outlining his predicament, but this was slapped down by council officials.

Brent Council said it “sympathised” with Kelyon’s circumstances but felt they did not “invalidate the penalty charge notice” as he should still have adhered to the parking rules in place.

It added it was “satisfied” with the traffic warden’s actions and would uphold the ticket.

Kelyon said he is considering whether to take the matter further and hopes to hear back from the council after submitting further evidence.

Brent Council has been contacted for comment.

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