The Day – New London firefighters rescue ‘Dash’ the kitten from car dashboard

The Day – New London firefighters rescue ‘Dash’ the kitten from car dashboard

New London — Firefighters received an unusual request for a rescue Wednesday, when a woman came to the firehouse with a kitten trapped inside the dashboard of her car.

The woman was driving through the city on Wednesday afternoon when she spotted a tiny, gray stray kitten in the road. She picked up the kitten to bring it home but, while she was driving, it scrambled toward her windshield and got trapped inside her dashboard.

So, she drove straight to the fire department for help, New London fire Lt. Jeremy Hynek said.

Firefighters used equipment they recently purchased to insert a scope inside the dash to locate the kitten, which Hynek said was “a smokey color” — fitting for a fire department — and about 1 month old.

Once they spotted her, it was all hands on deck.

The seven firefighters working at the time took apart the dashboard and untangled the kitten from wires and parts inside. She was rescued safely and the woman took her home to adopt her, naming her Dash, Hynek said.

Firefighters Louis Racicot, Izzy Davila, Charles Maxson, Jose Vasquez-Corbalan, Michael Kuchyt and Thomas Feliciano all helped save the curious cat.

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