Fuel crisis: London mum speechless at child’s response after family can’t go on day out on empty tank

Fuel crisis: London mum speechless at child’s response after family can’t go on day out on empty tank

A London mum was gobsmacked by her little boy’s response to the fuel crisis this week, after their much-awaited family trip had to be cancelled due to an empty petrol tank.

Bhumika and her husband Bhautik, both38, of Uxbridge in West London, said their eight-year-old son Tanush was crestfallen when they had to break the news to him that their family safari park trip would be cancelled.

“Whenever we plan something it always goes wrong,” Bhumika told MyLondon .

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The day trip – which had been meticulously booked and planned to take place on Saturday, September 25 – had been a long time coming.

After relocating to the UK from India when Tanush was just three, the family had moved around for years before eventually settling down in London – and it was longer still before they managed to secure their driver’s licenses and a car.

Bhautik, 38, Bhumika, 38, and their 8-year-old son, Tanush

Just when Bhumika and Bhautik finally thought they would get to show their son a bit of the world, the pandemic struck and everyone was forced to remain indoors.

“I really want to see him happy outside in nature,” said a disappointed Bhumika, adding: “I said to my husband why can’t we plan something and it goes smoothly.”

However, she admitted there was one funny silver lining to the whole safari park saga, which made it all worth it.

Not to be foiled by a nationwide fuel crisis, a resourceful Tanush was quick to come up with a solution to salvage the family day out.

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“He said ‘Mumma, let’s order petrol on Amazon’,” said Bhumika, laughing.

She couldn’t get over her son’s comment.

Bhumika said she can only assume Tanush thinks “everything can be ordered off Amazon” now since the family have used the company to order “pretty much everything” for the last couple of years.

“I laughed and I was about to say ‘let’s see if we can get fuel on Amazon’,” she added.

Luckily for the family, Bhautik works from home and Bhumika works within walking distance, so they at least didn’t have to deal with the larger crisis of being unable to get to work – unlike some unlucky Londoners.

However, Bhumika said firmly they would be avoiding the 18-mile trip to the safari park until they have refilled on fuel and can be absolutely sure they would be able to get back home again.

In the meantime, for anyone still struggling on an empty tank, Amazon’s mission statement does claim to ‘help consumers find, discover and buy anything’, so… anything’s worth a try.

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