Queues outside London petrol stations ‘50 cars long at 6.30am’ as panic buying continues for fourth day

Queues outside London petrol stations ‘50 cars long at 6.30am’ as panic buying continues for fourth day

The petrol panic buying crisis has continued into a fourth day with reports that people have spent the night queuing for fuel and queues being as long as ‘50 cars’ at 6.30am.

Despite warnings from Secretary of Transport Grant Shapps that there isn’t a fuel shortage, panic buyers have again clogged up roads in a desperate attempt to fill their motors.

The queues for petrol are causing a nightmare for commuters in the capital and roads are being blocked because of huge numbers flocking to fill up on Monday morning, September 27.

READ MORE:Video shows enormous 7am queue outside West London petrol station as panic buying continues

One Twitter user warned of queues in East London and reported that people had been queuing all night.

He said: “I came to the Asda petrol station at Leyton, London at 6:30am. The line was already 50 cars-long. People have spent the night waiting.”

More disruption has been reported across the capital, with Kensington and Chelsea experiencing huge queues along Old Brompton Road.

“Old Brompton Road in London is blocked from 3 sides with cars queuing for petrol,” someone tweeted on Monday.

North London hasn’t dodged the bullet and a Twitter user pointed out continued queues, he said: “Early drive into North West London – huge tailbacks at every petrol station that was open (many closed). A41 Hendon way (heading out of London) is perhaps the most impressive queue.”

Croydon, Brent Cross and Ealing have all had reports coming out of queues due to petrol.

There are reports of petrol being available at some stations though.

The petrol stations on Church Road, in Hanwell, and Lady Margaret Road, in Greenford, both in Ealing, are understood to have had fuel on Monday morning (September 27).

Advice from the government at the moment is for commuters to avoid petrol stations, stop panic buying and be assured that there is no petrol shortage.

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In response to the crisis Travel Secretary Grant Shapps announced on Twitter on Sunday (September 26): “Another 4,000 to be trained as HGV drivers, army to increase testing capacity by thousands & temp visa scheme until Christmas.

“This is all part of a further package of measures we’re announcing to support the haulage & food sectors to deal with driver shortage.”

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