The fine art of gardening | Culture

The fine art of gardening | Culture

Artists love a garden. The latest proof of this will appear next month when the Turner prize-nominated artist Anthea Hamilton reveals one that she was commissioned to create as an artwork, in the grounds of Studio Voltaire, an art space in south London. Hamilton’s oeuvre promises some surprises: pebble mosaic, brickwork, ironwork and, most eye-raising of all, that Marmite 1970s trend, “crazy paving”. Hampton Court this is not. And yet it looks set to enter a long and mostly noble tradition, where art and gardening cross-pollinate.

Think of artists’ gardens and you probably head straight to the past: to the Bloomsbury haven of Charleston in East Sussex and to Monet’s beloved Giverny in Normandy. You might also think of Ian Hamilton Finlay’s Little Sparta in

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