Drug dealer’s vile Instagram boast about killing Newham teen and being cleared of murder

Drug dealer’s vile Instagram boast about killing Newham teen and being cleared of murder

The mother of a stabbing victim has said a drug dealer boasted from jail about killing her teenage son and being cleared for his murder.

Amani Lynch stabbed 17-year-old Champion Ganda 11 times in the head, chest, arms and legs outside a primary school.

Champion’s mum Peguy is now joining with the mothers of other victims of knife crime as part of the anti-knife crime campaign Hard Calls Save Lives, The Mirror reports.

The campaign urges members of the public to contact Crimestoppers if they suspect someone carries a blade.

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Peguy Kamunga whose son Champion Ganda was stabbed to death by Amani Lynch

2021 has proven to be one of the worst years for knife killings, with 32 so far in England and Wales.

Speaking at an anti-knife crime event last week, Peguy said: “This boy laughed at me in the court and had no respect for the judge.

“He took someone’s life and is in prison talking of being happy when my son’s body fell to the floor. Champion did not get justice. I’m so angry.”

On Instagram, Lynch used the handle “lynchmobggmafiafamily” with emojis of knives, a police officer and faces crying with laughter.

He joked about dancing when he “beat” the case.

In 2019, he wrote: “When I hear a body drops on the opp block dis dance I done wen I beat da case had da judge bugging out in da old bailey. It was worth it.”

2 Phil HarrisDaily Mirror Sunday Mirror ExpressStar Sunday Express Star on Sundayund

On Instagram, Lynch used the handle “lynchmobggmafiafamily”

Champion, a rapper who also went by the stage name Chrome, was an Arsenal trainee.

He collapsed after being fatally wounded in the street at Forest Gate, Newham, East London, in May 2013.

16-year-old Lynch, who was on bail at the time, was found guilty of manslaughter but cleared of murder and sentenced to 14 years’ youth detention in 2017.

Lynch had 15 previous convictions, including possession of a knife, public order offences and drug dealing.

Peguy’s All Champion Charity offers support to similarly afflicted families.

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At the meeting at Dagenham, she said: “I learned the hard way about knife crime.

“Doing this work is my therapy. To say my son’s name and talk of Champion to people who didn’t know him makes me feel he’s still a part of me.”

Peguy called on Prime Minister Boris Johnson to speak to her and other mothers who have lost their sons to knife crime.

“The Government doesn’t listen because this doesn’t affect them,” she said.

“I want the PM to talk to us so he can see our pain. It feels like no one cares.

“They are leaving us to bury our children like animals.”

Met Police gangs officer Anoushka Dunic also attended the event, saying: “Speaking to parents of killed children hurts as a police officer and as a parent myself.

Every act of violence with knives could be prevented.”

A Prison Service spokesperson said of Lynch: “The prisoner has no access to a mobile phone or social media and these historic posts will be removed swiftly.”

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