Lorry driver who ploughed into parked cars and lamppost in Southwark was ‘twice over drink limit’

Lorry driver who ploughed into parked cars and lamppost in Southwark was ‘twice over drink limit’

A lorry driver twice over the drink limit ploughed his HGV into parked cars and hit a lamppost in the borough of Southwark, South London on Sunday evening.

Metropolitan Police say the driver was arrested and charged after he was breathalysed and registered 71 when the legal limit is 35.

They say the HGV collision could have caused injuries or worse.

The driver has been remanded and will be appear in court.

MPS Roads & Transport tweeted: “HGV driver charged for being over twice drink drive limit (71μg) by #SouthRPT having collided with several parked cars and a lamppost, assisted by #SouthCVUand @MPSSouthwark

“Thankfully, no injuries this time”

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