Desperate London Afghans say their families’ lives are ‘in danger’ as British troops prepare to leave Kabul 

Desperate London Afghans say their families’ lives are ‘in danger’ as British troops prepare to leave Kabul 

Afghans in London are scrambling to help their relatives whose lives are “in danger” from the Taliban, as British troops prepare to leave Kabul.

My London today (August 26) spoke to fearful Londoners at the Afghanistan and Central Asian Association, a charity in West London, about their concerns for their family in Afghanistan.

Hundreds of Afghans from across the UK travelled to the association in Feltham today (August 26) to seek help and advice for family members left stranded in Afghanistan.

The charity, which provides support to refugees in the UK, is receiving 1,000 phone calls a day as more British Afghans plead for help for parents, siblings and children in Afghanistan.

READ MORE:How to help Afghanistan – ways to support refugees and donate

The US and UK accelerated the withdrawal of its troops from Afghanistan this year, following a 20-year conflict in the country.

Since May of this year, the Taliban took over territory in the country with its members reaching the capital, Kabul, on August 15, leading to the collapse of the Afghan government.

Afghans in London are now desperately trying to rescue their family members as they fear a Taliban-run Afghanistan.

Ahmad Usmani is “very worried” for relatives in Afghanistan

Ahmad Usmani, 34, said his whole family “is in danger” living in Afghanistan.

Ahmad’s elder brother was a member of the Afghan army, while another brother worked as a journalist with Tolo TV – a news outlet in Afghanistan.

The 34-year-old, who lives in Newbury Park, said he is constantly worried about his family and is desperate to bring his family to safety in the UK.

He said: “All my family is in danger living back home. My older brother was in the Afghan army but at the moment he’s disabled due to an explosion when he was fighting.

“The Taliban are going to be attacking them so I want to bring them here.

Hundreds queued outside the Afghanistan and Central Asian Association in Feltham

Hundreds queued outside the Afghanistan and Central Asian Association in Feltham

“My family has been to the airport 2 or 3 times but they don’t have visas, they only have airports. I want to apply for them, if there’s any chance I want to bring them here.”

Ahmad’s father, brother, sisters and other relatives are all stuck in Afghanistan and he fears the “Taliban will come” for his family.

He said: “I feel very bad, I worry about my family all the time. My dad, my brothers, my sister, all my relatives are there and I can’t do anything for them. All the time I check on the TV, I can’t do anything.

“Definitely, the Taliban will come for my family. My brothers worked with the government so I worry about them. One of my brothers, 24, was a journalist with Tolo TV. I’m very worried.”

Homera Mobinzai, 46, lives in Hounslow and has cousins with young children trapped in Afghanistan.

“Today I came here because I’m very worried about the Afghan people who are suffering, especially women and children,” she said.

Homera is concerned for her female relatives trapped in Kabul

Homera is concerned for her female relatives trapped in Kabul

“I received a call from my cousin and she was crying and begging me to do something for them, she doesn’t have a husband.”

Homera added: “[My cousin] lost her job, she desperately needs to come out of Afghanistan because the situation is very bad. I couldn’t stay at home when I heard her crying, it was very tough for me.”

Homera said she is particularly fearful for one of her female cousins whose husband was a police officer in the country. She said “their life is in danger.”

UK and US soldiers are expected to evacuate from Afghanistan on August 31 ending their 20 year presence in the country. Homera, who is also a refugee from Afghanistan, said she hopes the UK “extends” the deadline.

“I left Afghanistan when the Taliban came… I came [to the UK] as a refugee. I don’t want them to suffer the things we suffered,” Homera added.

Despite attempts by Homera’s cousins to travel to the airport, she said there was “no chance” for them to get out of the country.

Ahmad came to the UK as a refugee from Afghanistan

Ahmad came to the UK as a refugee from Afghanistan

Ahmad Wali Samimy, 50, is an Uber driver from Ilford whose relatives are “trapped” in Afghanistan, one of whom provided support to American and British soldiers.

Ahmad said the lives of his relatives are “in danger” and he is urgently trying to help them to escape Afghanistan.

Ahmad described how one of his relatives provided essentials, including oil, food and razors, to American and British soldiers at the Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.

He said: ”He worked with Americans by supplying oil to them, supplying food to them. [My relative] was a very close friend of American and British people because he could speak English a bit.

“They created a Bagram Air Base [and] he was supplying them important things they needed like razor blades… now he’s trapped… I’m worried about him.”

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Ahmad tearfully discussed his concerns for other relatives – including his cousins, brother-in-laws and sister-in-laws – and their young children.

Ahmad said: “They’re trapped, they are in imprisonment in their own house.”

The 50-year-old, who came to the UK as a refugee in 1995, said he “doesn’t know how” to help desperate relatives trapped in the country.

Ahmad visited the Afghan and Central Asian Association in Feltham to seek help and advice for his relatives.

The charity expects more people will seek help from their organisation as the word spreads and the evacuation deadline looms.

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