Afghanistan: Explosion outside Kabul airport – Pentagon

Afghanistan: Explosion outside Kabul airport – Pentagon

Afghanistan: Explosion outside Kabul airport – Pentagon – BBC News

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  1. The Pentagon says casualties from the blast outside Kabul airport are unclear
  2. The UK says no record of British casualties so far
  3. It comes after warnings that there could be militant attacks, as nations evacuate people ahead of a 31 August deadline
  4. UK Armed Forces Minister James Heappey earlier told the BBC the threat was “severe” and could be “imminent”
  5. There are no details of the threat, thought to be from so-called Islamic State militants
  6. Canada joins several European nations in wrapping up operations but the US says it will continue up to the deadline
  7. Huge crowds of people have built up at Afghanistan’s border with Pakistan as people try to flee Taliban rule
  8. Westerners and Afghans who worked for foreign missions want to leave after Taliban militants came back to power

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