Ryanair to cease all flights from Northern Ireland

Ryanair to cease all flights from Northern Ireland

Ryanair will soon cease all flights from both Belfast International Airport and Belfast City Airport, it’s been reported.

The airline will pull its Belfast International routes to Alicante, Barcelona (Girona), Gdansk, Krakow, London Stansted, Malaga, Malta, Manchester, Milan (Bergamo) and Warsaw on October 30.

And it is also believed that Ryanair will withdraw from the City Airport on September 12, which will see an end to flights to Alicante, Barcelona, Faro, Malaga, and Palma de Mallorca Ibiza, Valencia, and Milan.

It stopped flying from City of Derry Airport this year.

A spokesperson for Belfast International Airport said: “It is disappointing that Ryanair has now decided to withdraw operations from the entire Northern Ireland market at the end of October, having variously had a presence in all three local airports in recent years.

“It has been a difficult period for aviation and a time when consumers need some stability and faith in the Northern Ireland air transport network.

“As we have been anticipating such a move, we have been engaging with our existing and other new airlines to provide continuity on the routes to be vacated by Ryanair, and to help sustain employment in the aviation industry at a local level in Northern Ireland.

“To this end we hope to be able to make announcements regarding fresh route development in the near future.”

Sean Moulton, an aviation analyst tweeted: “Ryanair appear to have removed all Belfast International flights from sale after October 30 2021.

“The airline is also expected to leave Belfast City on September 12 2021. If true, it will mean no Ryanair flights in Northern Ireland.”

SDLP Economy Spokesperson Sinéad McLaughlin has described Ryanair’s withdrawal from Northern Ireland as a huge blow to both passengers and local airports.

She said she hoped new airlines would come forward to fill the gap in the market left by Ryanair’s withdrawal.

The Foyle MLA said: “Today’s news will be extremely disappointing to passengers, from commuters to holidaymakers, a lot of people will miss out as a result of these routes no longer being available to people in the North. It will also be a blow to both Belfast airports, with Ryanair already pulling out of City of Derry earlier this year. My thoughts are also with staff who may be affected by these developments.

“We are in the midst of an extremely difficult period for both the aviation and travel industries which have been decimated by the coronavirus pandemic. As we emerge from the pandemic I hope to see both sectors rebound, people have been clear, the demand for foreign holidays and travel is there and will need to be met as things return to normal.

“I have regularly pleaded with the Executive to provide adequate support to the aviation and travel industries and their staff, but this has fallen on deaf ears.

“Our airports were struggling before the onset of the pandemic and we need to see a proper long-term Executive plan to address these issues to ensure our airports remain viable and offer people the best possible choice and experience. The first item on their agenda should be finding a new airline or multiple airlines to fill the gap in the market left by Ryanair’s withdrawal.”

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