The discount supermarket is awash with bargains and offers to keep the whole family happy, not to mention the famous middle aisle with all its hidden gems.
Such is Aldi’s popularity that customers and employees often take to Reddit to debate the best ways to shop there.
According to the Mirror, the latest topic of discussion involves a so-called ‘hack’, that encourages the cashier to pack your shopping for you, no matter how large your haul.
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However, this particular method has left people divided, with some Aldi employee’s criticising the suggestion.
The suggestion proved divisive
(Image: CC/ David Clark)
The ‘hack’ itself is pretty simple – You simply use pop-up grocery bags instead of normal carrier bags so the cashier can easily pack your items from the till.
This means the shopper doesn’t have to move to the bagging area afterwards to pack them up.
The man with the hack wrote on Reddit: “Aldi Hack #104: Use grocery bags that stay open, and the checkout person will bag your groceries.”
But not everyone was crazy about the idea, as one Redditor wrote: “I absolutely will move your bags. The bagging counter is there for speed and for health reasons. If you try to bag at the register, you are a problem.”
One even commented: “Actually employed by Aldi, please don’t make us do that we’re quite literally timed and have a certain expectation this may help you, but we’re just doing our job.”
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Another added: “They probably really don’t want to and resent the s*** out of you for “making” them as it probably slows them way down.”
A third replied: “This, exactly. Aldi cashiers each have their own system placing items in the cart, so certain items can stay together and not get squished.
“Putting boxes or bags like this in the cart limit the space they have to organise and will either result in your food being squished or the cashier slowing down significantly to strategically place your items, so they don’t get squished.”
The discourse continued as one employee commented: “Please don’t do this unless you don’t have a lot.”
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Another said: “I work at Aldi- please don’t do this…I try to be nice, but our scanning rate is timed, so bagging your groceries for you slows us down…which can mean a negative performance review by our bosses.”
However, not all employees thought it was a bad idea, as one worker wrote: “As long as you aren’t putting your hands in the cart to rearrange my bagging or have a ton of stuff, this is totally fine.
“Most of the employees in the comments are complaining about this, but in my experience, it doesn’t take that much extra time.”
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