London news: Manhunt as police officer attacked while giving urgent aid | UK | News

London news: Manhunt as police officer attacked while giving urgent aid | UK | News

Detectives from the British Transport Police have issued a call for information after an officer was attacked in Camden Town tube station at 11pm. The officer was providing medical treatment when two men approached before then striking him around the head. Such was the brutality of the attack, the officer suffered fractures to his face and serious injuries to his shoulder and upper body, the emergency services reported.

Detective Inspector Gary Pinner said: “This violent attack took place while one of our officers was helping a member of the public in need.

“As a result, he has suffered severe injuries.

“No officer should be subject to this while doing their job to keep passengers safe across the network.

“Violent and abusive behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated on the railway, whether directed towards the public, rail staff or our officers.”

This comes amid a wave of violence directed towards police officers in the capital throughout Sunday.

The Met Police confirmed 19 officers had been injured during clashes with thugs who descended on the capital for the 2020 Euros final.

The police said 49 people had also been arrested for a variety of offences as the capital witnessed shocking scenes on Sunday evening.

The Metropolitan Police Federation, who represent officers, criticised the thugs who attacked officers.

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Scotland Yard said in a statement: “Our policing operation for the Euro 2020 final is drawing to a close.

“Thank you to the tens of thousands of fans who had good spirits and behaved responsibly.

“We made 49 arrests during the day for a variety of offences.

“We will have officers on hand throughout the night.

“Frustratingly, 19 of our officers were injured while they confronted volatile crowds. This is wholly unacceptable.”

Other packs of thugs also managed to storm Wembley stadium and enter without having a ticket during the game.

Due to the lack of security around the stadium, hundreds of fans were able to push past staff on the perimeter before entering the stands.

Although most were later ejected from the stadium, the scene sparked outrage as many people who bought tickets were unable to watch the game.

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