Ballymore’s west London site, Irish Times results, and Amazon’s shares dip

Ballymore’s west London site, Irish Times results, and Amazon’s shares dip

Irish property developer Ballymore has partnered with leading UK grocery retailer Sainsbury’s for a £1.7 billion development of a prime 18-acre site at Ladbroke Grove in west London. Ciarán Hancock has the details.

Amazon’s shares dipped 5 per cent after the online retailer disappointed with its sales guidance for the third quarter.

The Irish Times group made an operating profit of ¤8.3 million before exceptional costs in 2020, more than double the €3.8 million figure recorded the previous year. It also recorded a large increase in its number of subscribers. Laura Slattery reports.

The Government should examine the introduction of congestion charges to help pay for the costs of climate change, the Oireachtas budgetary oversight committee has recommended, writes Ciarán Hancock.

In his weekly column, John FitzGerald says the State’s plan to borrow more to ease the housing crisis looks unwise.

In Agenda, Enterprise Ireland’s new chief executive Leo Clancy tells Charlie Taylor that early-stage companies need to be given the necessary support to help them get going and scale.

In Wild Geese, Dead Rabbit owner Sean Muldoon explains why he thinks its the best bar in New York.

In Planet Biz, Laura Slattery looks at the Barbie boom, gives a tulip bulb update with a cryptocurrency twist, and ponders who might host the Olympics in 2036.

In Caveat, Philip Stephens of the FT says climate change is a global threat demanding national solutions.

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