Pontins Camber Sands 2 hours from London with 2,700 terrible reviews that’s like a ‘horror film’

Pontins Camber Sands 2 hours from London with 2,700 terrible reviews that’s like a ‘horror film’

It’s summer holiday season and many of us will be scouting out the best spots to spend a relaxing weekend away.

However, it seems that one popular camping spot two hours from London is best avoided, at least if you believe Tripadvisor.

Pontins Camber Sands holds just a two star rating on the popular reviewing site and has a staggering 2,707 ‘terrible reviews’.

According to KentLive, the holiday park has developed a infamous reputation as a questionable getaway spot with complaints ranging from “filthy holiday cabins” to “incompetent staff “.

READ MORE: The staycation hotel two hours from London TripAdvisor users say to avoid

Here’s a selection of the worst experiences people have had at the park, all of which have happened this month (July 2021).

‘We barely survived it’

One reviewer named MJ was so angered by his stay at the park he challenged the owners to stay there themselves.

He said of his experience: “The owners of Pontins should be ashamed of themselves. They should have a ‘holiday’ here and I bet they wouldn’t last a night.

“I get it that is is a budget holiday but people who spend their money to stay here deserve more than having the p*** taken out of them.

“There are so many things in the two nights we stayed/ survived that I could mention but the fight on the lawn at 11pm and my child being called a F****** C*** by another child were the particular highlights that will stay with me forever for all the wrong reasons.

“The ‘apartment’ we stayed in was in one word awful and nothing more needs to be said about that.

“If you are thinking of booking a few days away at Pontins Camber Sands please take note of these reviews. 2,700 terrible reviews out of 4,849 tells you all you need to know. I wish I had.”

‘They should make this dump into a prison’

Pontins isn’t well loved on Tripadvisor

Another user, named Nina H, was also disappointed with her stay.

After being blighted by numerous issues on her holiday, Nina came up with a new purpose for the park – use it as a prison.

She said: “Disappointed doesn’t cut it, dirty, poor hygiene, broken accommodation, I cried when we turned up here, I would rather sleep in a box.

“It’s like something from a horror film!

“They should make this dump into a prison all they would need to transform it would be bars at the gates. It’s like turning up to a 60s campsite where nothing has been revamped or cleaned in decades.

“RUN AWAY in the opposite direction do not give this site a penny because your be sorry you didn’t listen to people’s BAD reviews! You have been warned.”

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‘I’d only recommend it to people I hate’

Finally, although in reality there are thousands of the equally scathing reviews, we come to an account called Escape who likened the experience of staying in the holiday park as going back in time for all the wrong reasons.

They said: “Booked Pontins as a cheap weekend away, we wasn’t expecting much due to the price we paid, however we never expected this, it has a feel of 1970’s about the place totally shocking, filth everywhere, the buildings looking dilapidated, windows haven’t been cleaned in probably years, sofa bed is the most uncomfortable thing I’ve ever sat and laid on, the electricity being consumed in this chalet is even more shocking, we have used up £10 in 4 hours and that’s just from charging two phones and having the fridge on.

“If you want a nostalgic trip back in time to 1970’s – 80’s Britain then this is the place, defo looks like some of the other holiday makers are from that era too.

“The only people I’d recommend Pontins to would be people I totally hate, everyone one else stay clear of this place !!!! You have been warned.”

MyLondon approached Pontins for comment on the reviews and customers’ experiences but has not received a response.

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